PRODUCT DESCRIPTION =================== PRUDENS INC. Apr. 21, 1997 * Visit for the lastest release and product information. * The price listed may be adjuested without prior notice. If you register thru CompuServe, you will see the lastest price online. * Check ORDER.TXT for SALE price. Be aware that the price in ORDER.TXT has an expiration date. Act now before the SALE ends. ***************************************************************************** * YEAH! COOL!! Check out the promotion!! What a Great Deal!! * ***************************************************************************** DO READ THIS SECTION: [REGISTRATION] DO CHECK OUT THIS SECTION: [NEW & HOT - Special promotion until ...] PRUDENS PROFILE =============== PRUDENS INC. is located in Illinois, USA. PRUDENS INC. 100 Borris Circle, #302 Streamwood, IL 60107 USA FAX : 1-630-372-2469 CompuServe: 71670,176 Internet : Home page : PRUDENS is the leading operating system level utilities provider for Windows 3x, Windows 95, and Windows NT. We provide SPY/MONITOR utilities which target on different areas, such as, program execution, registry/INI access, module loading and unloading, OCX invoking, VXD activities, ODBC tracking, COM API calls, Windows socket access, memory allocation and free, memory access, memory leaking detection, resource (bitmap, icon, cursor, font, accelerators, menu) creation and destruction, and more. PRUDENS is also the leading operating system level WSDKs (Windows Software Development Kits/libraries) provider for Windows environment. We provide SDKs, for example, SMM and FUNCHOOK, that enable you to do things you can only dream of in the past: to share memory among any 32bit and 16bit programs, to set up system-wide hook (for example, to know if a program starts or terminates), etc.. WHERE TO FIND TRIAL VERSION =========================== Most of the products do have a trial edition. You can download them from: 1. Our home page: 2. CompuServ: MSBASIC, FOXPRO, BDELPHI32, WINSHARE, WINNEWS, WINUTIL, MSWIN95, MSWIN, etc. 3. American Online 4. Other Internet Sources: a. - If you would like to put our SPYs on your BBS or homepage, you can donwload the lastest editions from - If you put our SPYs on your BBS or homepage and would like to add your URL here, please let us know. You can freely redistribute the trial edition of the programs to anyone or to anywhere. TO RELATED PROFESSIONALS ======================== A. (Publisher, author) If you are interested in placing the trial version of SPYs/Monitors on the CD of your publication (book, magazine, etc)., you can obtain the programs from CompuServe or Internet. To guarantee you always receuives the most recent update, please email us your profile (name, company, address, email address, phone#, fax#, and email address), your business (such as: the title of your publication, and publish date), and the distribution media (floppy diskette, CD, etc.) to us: CompuServe: 71670,176 Internet: We will add your name to 1. our distribution database which enables you to receive the new release in a timely fashion (distribute through email). Most programs are updated monthly. 2. [WHERE TO FIND TRIAL VERSION] section in this file B. (Retailer) If you would like to add our products to your catalog, please email your information with the request to: CompuServe: 71670,176 Internet: HOW TO ORDER ============ You may order the full version by: 1. Register on CompuServe (available for most products). or 2. Send your order and payment (check/money orders only) to PRUDENS INC. #302 100 Borris Circle Streamwood, IL 60107 Some products have different versions for different platforms (Windows 3.x, Windows 95, or Windows NT). Please make sure you clearly indicate: - product name & - platform (version) If you order the subscription, you will receive quarterly update of that product. In your order, do include your name, comapny, address, phone#, fax#, and email address. We sometimes need to contact you about the order. Thank you very much. NEW & HOT - Special promotion until ... ======================================= A. System-wide hook? - Need to setup SYSTEM-WIDE hook to monitor certain APIs in your project? See FUNCHOOK, the only available (16/32) API level hook SDK for Windows 95 in the world. - SPYs and Monitors for Windows NT are coming ... B. SPYs - Check out the SALE PRICE for each SPYs (print ORDER.TXT) - Great deal, order INISpy3x today to receive RegSpy3x for free. C. New release: these products are just in town 1. TopToBottom (PRO Edition of DLLCheck 95) v 4.0 for Windows 95 (track DLL, EXE, OCX, VXD, etc.) 2. ResSpy95 for Windows 95 3. ResSpy3x for Windows 3.x 4. ODBCSpy95 for Windows 95 5. MemMonitor95 Professional Edition for Windows 95 6. MemMonitor95 Standard Edition for Windows 95 7. ComSpy3x for Windows 3x 8. MemSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.0 D. New update: the new version is available 1. INISpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.1 (Check the new interface out) 2. ExeSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.3 (File/Dir, Registry, INI, etc) 3. ExeSpy3x for Windows 3.x v 3.3 (File/Dir, Registry, INI, etc) 4. ComSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.2 E. Upcoming: 1. SetupMonitor95 for WIndows 95 (coming soon) 2. API-Insight95 for Windows 95 (read product info below) 3. API-Insight3x for Windows 3.x (read product info below) 4. ComSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.3 (adding TAPI) 5. ComSpy3x for Windows 3.x v 3.3 (adding WinSock, TAPI) 6. ODBCSpy3x for Windows 3.x 7. MemMonitor3x Professional Edition for Windows 3.x 8. MemMonitor3x Standard Edition for Windows 3.x ******************************************************************************* * D E V E L O P E R S & GURUS T O O L S U I T E S * ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* * D E V E L O P E R S & GURUS G A L A R Y * ******************************************************************************* YES! YES!! YES!!! THERE IS NO PROBLEM TO SETUP SYSTEM-WIDE HOOK TO TRACK ANY 32/16 BIT ACTIVITIES. We have developed technology to install system-wide hooks (which can hook into any APIs directly), the technology to create share memory (allocate memory to share among any 32bit or 16bit applications), and the technology to create patch patching into Windows KERNEL. All these technologies are used in any of our SPYs products. You may not see it visually but it is there ... Check all Windows 3x/95/NT SPYs out youself. You will see the SPYs report you 32 bit activilities as well as 16 bit activilities. Let SPYs open a window to Windows 3x or Windows 95 for you ... We also upload the trial versions of SPYs and other products to many CompuServe (for example, WinUtil, WinUser, MSWIN32, and more) forums periodically. You can down the lastest trial version from CompuServe... If you don't have access to CompuServe, just email your email address to us at and tell us what you are interested in. We will email to you ... ******************************************************************** * Check ORDER.TXT for SALE PRICE * ******************************************************************** A. ExeSpy - Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95 Nightmare #1: 'many existing 16 bit applications broken after upgrading to Windows 95 or Windows NT' Nightmare #2: 'Program can not start... one or more components are missing ... Please reinstall the application ...' As an end-user or a system administrator, do you really reinstall the whole package. Or you will first try to find out what exactly has been lost or has failed? Let ExeSpy help. ExeSpy can pinpoint which components (DLLs/Exes/Drvs/VBXes) that Windows is looking for, Just locate these missing things and copy them to the system!! ExeSpy also provides you the information if the application can not start because of failing to create a window. For Windows 3.x: US$ 79.95 - single user license (SW#8410) US$ 299.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows 95: US$ 129.95 - Single user license (SW#12134) US$ 495.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) B. IniSpy - Powerful Registry and INI file tracer for Windows 95 - Powerful INI file tracer for Windows 3.x Nightmare #3: 'which ini files are accessed by the program and where they are" INI Spy allows you to monitor read and write activity by any 16-bit Windows application against all INI-style files in your system. It reports the values read and retrieved from INI files and attaches to the log the date and time the activity took place. You can spy on specific initialization files or select all INI-style files. The Windows 95 version also traces all Registration Database calls! RegSpy for Windows 3.x monitors 16 registry activities. It is now coming with INISpy3x for no charge. For Windows 3.x: (2 in 1, INISpy3x + RegSpy3x) US$ 49.00 - Single user license (SW#9141) US$ 249.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows 95: (2 in 1: INISpy95+RegSpy95) US$ 129.95 - Single user license (SW#12135) US$ 495.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) C. ComSpy - COMM port Monitor Check it out. When you connect to CompuServe or American Online, how the data is transferred. What get sent out? And what is received? You can capture all data to a file and do whatever you want to it. When you connect to internet, ever wonder if the vendors have done anything you don't like. Just have ComSpy capture all data for you. Note: The 16 bit version monitors COMM APIs (ReadComm, WriteComm, etc) The 32 bit version monitors both COMM APIs and WinSock 32. For Windows 3x: US$ 99.95 - Single user license (SW#8599) US$ 395.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows 95: US$ 149.95 - Single user license (SW#12851) US$ 595.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) D. ODBCSpy This is the most powerful ODBC spy around. There are many unique features provided by this ODBCSpy. This ODBCSpy let you monitor all ODBC drivers at the same time. You don't need to select a specific ODBC driver to monitor and are therefore not limited to spy on one ODBC driver only at a time. It lets you enable only those SQL* functions you are interested in and disable spying on the rest calls. Now you can really save your time by focusing on only those you really care about. It lets you to disable and enable the spying at any time. Start the spy, turn off the hooks, run your program to the point you want to start the logging, turn on the spy, ... no more wasting time on. If you have experience on other ODBC spys, you will know what I am talking about here. - Doesn't it bothering that everytime you have to go through the ODBC driver list to turn on the spying on the one you are going to work on? More bothering, even though you know you will work with certain ODBC driver for a period of time, you need to turn it on everytime ... - Most other SPYs do not allow you to turn on/off the spying at any time. For example, turn spy off to speed up the execution of the program to the point you are interested in and turn the spys on to capture the information you are looking for. Too bad, most of them want you to turn the log on all the time. Doesn't it waste you a lot of time by waiting your program running to the point you want to start debugging when you have those SPYs on? Also opther SPYs capture all calls all the time and how much time do you have wasted on filtering out those you are not interested ... ODBCSpy95 for Windows 95 or ODBCSPY3x for Windows 3x is a revolutionary SPY product for ODBC driver users and developers. You can turn on/off the log at any time you like as well as spy on certain SPIs only. We do believe this SPY surely will help you focus on only those important to you and will save you a lot of time. If you are using other ODBC spys and if you are seriously considering that you don't want to waste a lot of time any more, you are ready to try our ODBCSpy95/ODBCSpy3x. For Windows 3x: US$ 249.95 - Single user license (SW#13057) US$ 895.95 - Combo Edition (with 5 licenses and 5 sets of official disks) For Windows 95: US$ 299.95 - Single user license (SW#13058) US$ 995.95 - Combo Edition (with 5 licenses and 5 sets of official disks) For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) E. PEBrowse - browse any PE format executable For Windows 95 or Windows NT. PEBrowse is the GUI alternative to console utilities like TDUMP or DUMPBIN that reveal the internals of a Win32-style file. View PE-file headers, sections, and resources in binary, structure, or their Windows format. Learn what is imported and exported by any executable. PEBrowse is not "crippled" shareware but there is a requested registration fee if you find this program useful. For Windows 95/NT: US$ 20.00 - Single user license (S&H: US$0 for all) F. ResSpy - Resource API Monitor for Windows ResSpy lets you monitor most resource creation and destruction APIs in Windows environment. It covers HDC, HBITMAP, HICON, HCURSOR, HACCEL, HFONT, HMENU, etc. It tells you who calls the API to create the handle, the parameters, and the resulted handle value. It can be a tool that you can use to identify what resources are created in an application, and also what resources are not deleted when the program terminates. Or use this tool as an assistant to learn how other program invoke and utilize Windows APIs. For Windows 3x: US$ 79.95 - Single user license US$ 395.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows 95: US$ 129.95 - Single user license (SW#12324) US$ 495.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) G. MemSpy Monitor on Windows APIs related to memory allocation and deallocation. For Windows 3.x, it monitors on Global and Local memory activities. For Windows 95, it monitors on Global/Local, Heap, and Virtual memory. You can also view the content of each memory block to find out what an application is doing... For Windows 3.x: (Beta) US$ 149.95 - Single user license US$ 595.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows 95: (Beta) US$ 149.95 - Single user license US$ 595.95 - Corporate unlimited users (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) ******************************************************************************* * D E V E L O P E R S & GURUS A S S I S T A N T S * ******************************************************************************* In this MONITOR series, the focus is on summarizing the collected/recorded information to help to dig out the potential problems to help on QC testing your environment or your programs. In a Windows application, there are many problems frequently happen, for example, memory leaking, resource leaking, system lock-up, software or hardware configuration, etc.. We are going to introduce you - we call it - Monitor Family. For each monitor member introduced, we plan to have at least two editions: STANDARD EDITION: It is designed for any users to install on the system as a watch dog watching and logging the specified set of operations. Users can examine the information summarized by the MONITOR whenever suspecting there is a problem. If the problem does exists, users can then notify their system administrators, computer consulting, programmers, etc. (who hopefully posesses the Professional Edition) to look into the problems, to analyze the causes, and to possibly fix the problems. PROFESSIONAL EDITION: It is designed for professionals, for example, system administrators, programmers, etc. to use to capture the problems, to analyze the causes and hopefully to have them fixed. We are so excited to introduce you the first member, MemMonitor, in this MONITOR family. Memory leaking is the most frequently encountered problem and usually is the most nasty and hardest one to deal with in any Windows programs. You can use MemMonitor to QC test the exist applications that your company is going to adapt. Or you can use MemMonitor to QC test the programs you write before send it for production. A-1. MemMonitor Standard Edition MemMonitor traps and reports you (Global/Local/Virtual/Heap for Windows 95) or (Global/Local for Windows 3x) memory allocation and deallocation. The Summary Window shows you the amount (in bytes) of memory in allocation and deallocation in each API set based on process. It discloses to you the activities performed on the higher 2GB of memory space from Windows kernel or your program which you cannot see in the past. Who says there is no shared memory on Windows 95. You will see Explore allocates share memory (from the upper 2GB addressing space) all the time. And more, there is SHARE HEAP exist which Windows 95 kernel uses to allocate memory from in managing process/thread. You will see Heap* calls issued when you start/exit a program. And do doubt, that is sharable heaps. How to allocate share memory? VirtualAlloc does the trick! If you have not read this book, you probably don't know the existence of such a flag to allocate share memory. If you have read it, Windows 95 System Programming, MemMonitor Professional Edition traps and confirms that 0x08000000 is an undocumented flag that you can use in VirtualAlloc to obtain shared memory and Heap* can be used to operate on the memory. However, because this is not documented, Microsoft may change it at any time (just like the change made on GetProcessAddress). Use it at your own risk. (However if you really need share memory so badly, you can use memory map file - for 32bit only. But The best choice and most easy one to use is: SMM. Refer to SMM below. It allocate memory that can be shared among all programs - no matter 32 bit or 16 bit) For Windows 3.x: US$ 29.95 - Single user license (SW#8600) US$ 199.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows 95: US$ 39.95 - Single user license (SW#13160) US$ 299.95 - Corporate unlimited users (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) A-2. MemMonitor Professional Edition (Beta) MemMonitor Pro is the professional edition of MemMonitor. It has all the functionalities provided in MemMonitor Standard Edition. It traps and reports you (Global/Local/Virtual/Heap for Windows 95) or (Global/Local for Windows 3x) memory allocation and deallocation. The summary windows shows you the amount (in bytes) of memory in allocation and deallocation in each API set based on process (process name). It also keeps track on all Global*/Local*/Virtual*/Heap* and matches the allocation and deallocation. You can view and print out those unmatched mnemory allocation calls (ie. those which have no matched deallocation calls). If you are wondering if the third party DLLs or libraries have memory leaking, MemMonitor Professional Edition not only helps to check it out but also can tell you which are not freed. If your program has memory leaking, use MemMinitor Pro to generate the un-matching memory allocation list. By looking at the parameters in the calls and verifying those calls in your code, it helps to minimize your effort to dig out and fix the bugs. And also use MemMonitor Pro to analysis the memory activities in your projects to quality control any your applications to prevent any unusal memory beheavior or possibly memory leaking For Windows 3.x: US$ 149.95 - Single user license US$ 495.95 - Value Pack (incl. 2 license of Profession Edition and 10 license of Standard Edition - total 12 sets of official disks) For Windows 95: US$ 199.95 - Single user license US$ 595.95 - Value Pack (incl. 2 license of Profession Edition and 10 license of Standard Edition - total 12 sets of official disks) * Corporate license available upon request * Source code license available upon request. (get the source code if you need further customize MemMonitor) (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) B. DLLCheck/TopToBottom - Powerful module tracer for Windows DLLCheck reports all loaded modules and their relationship. It also traps any loading of a module. TopToBottom95 for Windows 95 is the PRO edition of DLLCheck95. It adds the OCX and VXD portions. This is a tool that really tell you every loaded module from top to bottom ... For Windows 3.x: (DLLCheck3x is free with ExeSpy) For Windows 95: DLLCheck 95 US$ 129.95 - Single user license (SW#12137) US$ 495.95 - Corporate unlimited users TopToBottom95 US$ 149.95 - Single user license (SW#13055) US$ 595.95 - Corporate unlimited users For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) C. SetupMonitor SetupMonitor monitors and reports the changes that installers and uninstallers made to your system. It covers these areas: a. File/Directory access - directories created/deleted - files created/deleted - files updated b. Registry/INI files - modification to registry - modification to INI files c. Folder or shortcut It is a tool that help you (software developers) to analyze the installer (of your choice) behaves the way you expect and the uninstaller does restore the stuffs done by the installer. It is a tool that you (power user, system administrator) need to analyze what has been done to your system when you install a new software. PnP is great when it works. However as you may have experienced that it does not always work because the installers do something wrong or uninstallers do not clean up the stuffs created by the installers. This is a tool that helps you to diagnosis and catch the problem... download the trial version now ... (note: some functionalities are disabled in trial version) For Windows 95: US$ 295.95 - Single user license For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) ******************************************************************************* * D E V E L O P E R S & G U R U S L I B R A R I E S * ******************************************************************************* A. FUNCHOOK - SYSTEM-WIDE Hook Manager - The Only SYSTEM-WIDE API Hook SDK for Windows 95 in Town Everyone says "it is impossible to setup SYSTEM-WIDE hook under Windows 95". We want to tell you: it is absolutely wrong. Just check out what our SPYs can do for you. All SPYs setup SYSTEM-WIDE hooks to monitor the activities of a specific area, such as, EXESPY95 on program execution, INISPY95 on INI files and Registry, DLLCHK95/DLLSPY95 on module loading & uploading, COMSPY95 on COM and Windows Socket RESSPY95 on verious GDI objects, MemMonitor95 on memory allocation/deallocation, ODBCSpy95 on any ODBC drivers, and more SPYs (are coming soon from us or maybe from YOU). PRUDENS, the only one in the world, tells you - you certainly can setup SYSTEM-WIDE hooks. And it is available now. This library targets on all topmost software developers in the world. Develop your own SPY on the area you are interested in. This is the only library available. Oh! By the way, the package comes with both 16bit and 32bit support. You can use 16bit portion alone to spy APIs under Windows 3.x. Or you can setup SYSTEM-WIDE hook on both 32 bit side and 16 bit side under Windows 95. Besides you receive SMM95 and WUTL95 (built in FH95.DLL) for free. And it is royalty free. For Windows 95/Windows 3x : US$1,995.95 for the first license US$1,295.95 for each addition license (each of your produects that use FUNCHOOK requires one license) For Windows NT/Windows 3x : under development (S&H: US$15 for US and Canada, US$20 all others) * Price for full source code is also available upon request * Limited technical support Note: - Download TASKMON from most CompuServ forums. (a simplified ExeSpy which hooks into CreateProcess/ExitProcess only) - The first license gives you the right to receive one set of the source code of spy you choose as sample. The available selections are: a. ExeSpy95 - all in C (MSVC 1.0+ and 4.0+) b. INISpy95 - in both C (MSVC 1.0+ and 4.0+) and Delphi (Delphi 2.0+) B. SMM95 - Shared Memory Manager (with limited source code) - The Only SYSTEM-WIDE SHARED Memory Manager for Windows 95 in Town "There is no simple way to share memory among 32 under Windows 95..." "One way is to use memory mapped files ..." "Or you can try to pass data through clipboard or file ..." "No way, except WM_COPYDATA/clipbrd/file, to share data among 32/16 app. ..." SMM proves and provides a way, the easiest way to share memory among 32/32 or 32/16 applications. Simply allocating memory through SMM's APIs, you can have all of your 32 and 16 programs share the same memory ... Find it out for yourself. Contact us for the trial/lite version. For Windows 95: US$1,295.95 US$ 995.95 for each addition license (each of your produects that use SMM95 requires one license) For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$10 for US and Canada, US$15 all others) Limited Source Code: The source code which includes all SMM modules except the source code for the VXD. ********************************************************************** * The subscription is also available: only $149.95 more, you receive * * the most recent update every quarter for one year. Act now. * ********************************************************************** Note: SMM Lite is available for evaluation. Email to 71670,176 to request it. C. WUTL95 - Utility Collection for Windows 95 Make local variables sharable by any 32/16 bit programs. Retrieve pointer to process database. Map process id to process name. and more... New APIs are added almost everyday. For Windows 95: US$ 295.95 For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others) ********************************************************************** * The subscription is also available: only $99.95 more, you receive * * the most recent update every quarter for one year. Act now. * ********************************************************************** Note: WUTL95 Lite is available for evaluation. Email to 71670,176 to request it. REGISTRATION ============ ***************************************************************** * DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS * ***************************************************************** (for registered professionals) You should find a registration form in the package. Please do take a few minutes to complete the form and register the product. Please fax or email us your registration form which should include: - name - company name - address - phone# - fax# - registration# shown in the program (if applicable) - email address (updates are distributed by email only) - registration or change of registration information - misc. questions After you register your copy, your email address will be added to our auto-email list. If there is a change to your email address, please notify us immediately to update our auto-email database (please do include the above information). If there is a major change to the shared DRIVERs which may make your copy incompatible with upcoming SPYs. You will receive the update via email of the same product for the same platform absolutely free of charge in one year (from the date of purchase). Please be noted that this free update service is not part of the product. It is the extra service we provide to all our customers. To receive this service, simply send back the registration form. The free service expires in one year from the purchase date. Start the service, send in your registration today: FAX: 1-630-372-2469 CompuServe: 71670,176 Internet: If you have any question (technical or nontechnical): . for emergency, please use fax . for general questions, please use email. CompuServe: 71670,176 Internet: Please do not call, our sales representatives do not answer any questions. (c) Copyright 1995-97 by PRUDENS INC. All rights reserved.